

Próximo evento : 09/2024


A colega Cláudia Sofia Ramos Duarte Fortes Resende participará em representação da DGRSP / CICS.NOVA.FCSH no próximo encontro do European Society of Criminology  que irá decorrer em Bucareste, Roménia, nos póximos dias de 11 a 14 de setembro de 2024, com o título : “The role of spiritual dimension: The continuum between pragmatics and transcendence [...]

Próximo evento : 09/20242024-07-08T19:56:13+00:00

Próximo Evento: 05/2024


Nesta sessão, o subgrupo de investigação “Recomposições Sociais e Territórios”, do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto, retoma a apresentação e discussão dos trabalhos dos seus membros investigadores de doutoramento. A dinamização da sessão - intitulada “New age, ambientalismo e novos protagonismos: resultados preliminares das ecovilas em Portugal” - estará a cargo de Tiago [...]

Próximo Evento: 05/20242024-07-08T19:56:38+00:00

Nova publicação: 03/2024


Spiritual Representations in Rural Ecovillages: A Systematic Review Autor: Tiago Pinto Resumo (Eng): Using a systematic review methodology following PRISMA guidelines, the study examines the manifestations and significance of the spiritual dimension in ecovillages over the past decade. A total of 1329 articles were screened, and 49 were ultimately included in the final analysis. The [...]

Nova publicação: 03/20242024-07-04T10:01:11+00:00

Nova publicação: 12/2023


Religiously Unaffiliated Youth in Europe: Shifting Remnants of Belief and Practice in Contexts of Diffused Religion and Cohort Decline Autores: José Pereira Coutinho e Sarah Wilkins Laflamme Resumo: This study investigates the remnants and dynamics of religious beliefs and practices among religiously unaffiliated youth in Europe, comparing them with the older unaffiliated as well as with [...]

Nova publicação: 12/20232024-01-24T18:27:03+00:00

Nova publicação 09/2023


Individual-Level Determinants of Religious Intergenerational Transmission: Evidence from Catholic Europe Autores: Brian Conway, Bram Spruyt e José Pereira Coutinho Resumo:  Although there is a rich body of research on religious transmission, relatively little attention has been given to studying this within specific religious traditions such as Catholicism, especially in Europe. Using data from the 2018 round of [...]

Nova publicação 09/20232024-01-24T18:24:17+00:00

Nova publicação: 08/2023


Youth Religiosity in Catholic European Countries Autores:  José Pereira Coutinho e Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme Resumo: This article compares youth religiosity in each Catholic European country (CEC) in two perspectives: with the rest of the population (35+) and among youth over time. Based on EVS (European Values Study) and ISSP (International Social Survey Programme), data comparisons are also made between CEC s, as [...]

Nova publicação: 08/20232024-01-24T18:22:53+00:00

Nova publicação: 2023


Religious Gravitas within portuguese prison system: resizing skills for rehabilitation Autora: Cláudia Resende Resumo: Esta análise pretende consciencializar para a importância da esfera religiosa em meio prisional. Com esse intuito, foi feita uma seleção de literatura científica relevante circunscrita à geografia penal europeia, particularizando o caso português. Esta revisão sistematizada demonstrará que o reconhecimento da [...]

Nova publicação: 20232024-01-24T18:15:06+00:00

Nova publicação: 06/2023


Religions and religious freedom in Portuguese prison: notes from the ethnographic fieldwork Autora: Francesca Cerbini Resumo: Based on the ethnographic research in a Portuguese women’s prison, this article offers a first insight into a subject scarcely discussed in Portuguese academia: the management of religion and religious freedom and diversity in prison. Through differing and intersecting views [...]

Nova publicação: 06/20232024-01-24T18:14:35+00:00

Nova publicação: 04/2023


New Age and Environment: New Forms of Spirituality and Lifestyle in the Context of Secularization? Autores: Tiago Pinto e Helena Vilaça Abstract: From the middle of the 20th century, the rise of anthropocentric beliefs partly inherited from the Abrahamic religions led to a change in mentality about ecosystems. The measurable signs of environmental exploitation and [...]

Nova publicação: 04/20232024-01-24T18:14:10+00:00
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